
We don’t know exactly how or when coffee was discovered but there are many surrounding the subject.

The most popular legend takes place in the year 600 A.D., in Ethiopia. One day, a shepherd named Kaldi noticed that his goats were agitated, and the behavior lasted well into the night. The following day, Kaldi saw that his goats began acting nervously again after feeding from a tree with small fruits similar to cherries. After tasting one of the fruits himself he realized that, despite its somewhat unpleasant taste, his exhaustion had vanished and he felt completely energized.

Kaldi cut one of the strange plant’s fruiting branches and took it to the closest monastery, where he showed it to the abbot and shared his story. The abbot boiled the whole branch to prepare an infusion, but the taste was so disgusting that he threw it instinctively to the fire. The aroma that emanated from the coffee beans when they landed on the fire was so delightful that the abbot decided to prepare a new infusion exclusively with the beans, resulting in the first ever coffee drink.